Exploring Reconfigurability Options Among Decimal Adders
Decimal arithmetic has become a hot research topic in recent years. Many hardware units have been designed and proposed to perform high performance and accurate decimal arithmetic operations. Traditionally, decimal arithmetic units have been designed as application-specific specialized hardware modules. But there is an emerging trend towards the design and implementation of reconfigurable structures to perform decimal arithmetic. This paper contributes to this trend by exploring different reconfigurability options in decimal adders, proposing new reconfigurable parallel prefix trees (PPTs), and presenting a reconfigurable combined binary/decimal adder with a variable input width. Our analysis shows that it is possible to combine two conventional PPTs to reach a reconfigurable version with a reasonable overhead. Furthermore, we will suggest two criteria for choosing which PPTs to combine and will compare these two criteria. Experimental results demonstrate that the reconfigurability in the proposed designs comes at the cost of at most 5% overhead in area.
Decimal Arithmetic, Parallel Prefix Tree, Decimal Adder, Reconfigurable Hardware, Granularity