The final manuscript of the English papers accepted for publication in the CSI JCSE should be prepared in accordance with
this guide. It is, however, strongly recommended that preparation of the initial manuscript also follows the instructions given
Paper Organization:
- Title: The title should be short (at most 15 words) and indicative of the paper contents.
- Authors: the authors’ names (initial and last name) and their affiliations should appear next.
- Abstract: the abstract should include the problem explanation, methods used for solution, and the significant results; and
should not be longer than 150 words.
- Keywords: The keywords should be relatively independent and together optimally characterize the paper. Include 5 to 10
- Text: the main body of the paper should start with Introduction and end with concluding remarks. All sections and
sub-sections should be numbered. The number for introduction is 1.
- Acknowledgement: If required, Acknowledgements appear after the concluding remarks.
- References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in the order they are cited in a numbered list of
References following Acknowledgements. In the text refer to references by the reference number in square brackets on
the line.
- Appendices: If appendices are necessary, they are placed after the list of References.
Read full instructions from HERE.
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